Nice one!
Really good work, although I'm not too good at it, it's great to play.
Nice one!
Really good work, although I'm not too good at it, it's great to play.
Really gets your reflexes going, like Marvin Spectrum. Nice work.
Very useful, but the music loop and the graphics let it down abit
I like it!
THis is pretty damn good
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I did like it, kind of remeniscant of Dora The Explorer ("Find the boot" and shit) couldn't quite understand why soft jazz was playing in the background.
Really does get your reflexes going, I didn't do too good on it though. The graphics, sound and even the title fit in with the style perfectly. A great piece of work.
Visit for all of my (and my mates) stuff
Norwich, England
Joined on 4/4/06